Hubs by G.

Who We Are Looking To Work With

We are looking for people or businesses with a dedicated audience to partner with. This could be:

● ​The subscribers to your YouTube Channel, Followers of your TikTok, Twitch and other Social Media Outlets.
● Listeners to your radio station.
● Readers of your publication.
● People you employ at your business.
● Members of your community group.
● ​Schools, Colleges and Universities where Students, Parents and even Staff can support the education establishment.
● An event organiser.
● Sports Clubs.
● Professional Sports Teams and their supporters.
● Musician / artistry fan base.
● A record label - artists fan base.
● Customers to your retail or used / second hand / charity or thrift store.
● Supporters of your pressure group or activist group.
● Members of your political party.
● Hospital staff and / or patients wishing to support the hospital / healthcare system.
● Residents of a Home Owners Association.
● The congregation at your Faith or Worship establishment.
● Politicians, Government or Government Department - City, County or State.
​● A Celebrity fan base.
● Listeners to your Podcast.

We are willing to consider anyone from any area.